- Aug 28
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Translation tip #1: Translate ideas, not words
- Standard
- communication, localisation, message, purpose, text, tips, translation, translation tip, translator, word-for-word translation, words
Translation enables communication When we learn a language we first learn single words. Then, we learn phrases to build sentences. But the sentences are not the goal. The goal is to communicate effectively with people around us. The same is […]
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- Aug 04
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Pathetic does not mean ‘patetyczny’
- Standard
- English, false friends, language, language differences, mistakes, patetyczny, pathetic, Polish, translation, words, żałosny
In this post, I will write about another pair of false friends in English and Polish i.e. pathetic and patetyczny because it seems that Polish people (yes, and some translators too!) still have problems with these two words. Pathetic Used […]
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- Mar 23
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False friends alert #1: epic vs epicki
- Standard
- English, epic, epicki, false friends, foreign languages, languages, meaning, neo-semantization, Polish, semantics, words
False friends are words in two languages that look or sound similar but differ in meaning. ‘Epic’ and ‘epicki’ are a great example of such a pair because they look almost the same and have similar meanings in English and […]
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