- Aug 28
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Translation tip #1: Translate ideas, not words
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- communication, localisation, message, purpose, text, tips, translation, translation tip, translator, word-for-word translation, words
Translation enables communication When we learn a language we first learn single words. Then, we learn phrases to build sentences. But the sentences are not the goal. The goal is to communicate effectively with people around us. The same is […]
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- Aug 07
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Foreign language – do you really know it?
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- Apple, cover letter, customer service, customers, CV, experience, foreign language, grammar, iPad, iPhone, language, mistakes, native language, spelling, translation, writing, writing skills
A few words about foreign languages and translation and do you really need to know everything about them. It’s great that you know your mother tongue well, but… My previous translation tip (Translator – know your mother tongue inside out) was […]
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- Aug 04
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Pathetic does not mean ‘patetyczny’
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- English, false friends, language, language differences, mistakes, patetyczny, pathetic, Polish, translation, words, żałosny
In this post, I will write about another pair of false friends in English and Polish i.e. pathetic and patetyczny because it seems that Polish people (yes, and some translators too!) still have problems with these two words. Pathetic Used […]
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- Jul 31
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Learn how quality can benefit your business
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- Business, company, content, customers, foreign languages, international market, localisation, Marketing, mistakes, quality, reputation, success, translation
Did you know that inefficient communication in foreign languages and spelling mistakes can lead to financial loss? Research shows that poor communication and ineffective collaboration prevented companies from making major international deals. Also, language and cultural barriers are often blamed […]
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- Jul 29
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Translation or transcreation – what is the best option for your business?
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- brand voice, Business, creative translation, localisation, Marketing, style quide, target audience, transcreation, translation, translator
What is translation and transcreation? What is the difference between the two? How you can tell if your text needs transcreation and when? Recently I was invited to a meeting organised by one of my clients during which we discussed […]
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- Jul 25
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Translator – know your mother tongue inside out
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- foreign languages, freelance translator, freelancer, how to, language, lesson, native language, profession, tips, translation, translator
Translators are known for their useful ability to communicate in more than one language. Some of them are polyglots, which means they speak many foreign languages. It is a well-known truth that to become a translator you have to know […]
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- Jul 20
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Why is a freelance translator a better investment than a translation agency?
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- freelance translator, freelancer, languages, translation, translation agency, translation process, translation project
Many companies often choose translation agencies for their translation projects because they believe they are more professional, reliable, fast and quite cheap. And while at the first glance it can be true, when you dig a little bit deeper, it […]
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- Apr 08
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What is the difference between translation and interpreting?
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- communication, Interpreting, oral communication, translation, translation studies, written communication, written text
Translation or interpreting? That is the question. This distinction is well known in translation world, but not many non-translators are actually aware of it. Sometimes a client calls and says he or she needs translation during a conference. Sounds familiar? […]
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- Dec 12
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What does it take to be a translator?
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- culture, experience, foreign languages, freelancer, Interpreting, languages, translation, translation courses, translation studies, translator
A professional translator is usually perceived as someone who knows two or more languages fluently and renders written words into another language. Well, this is a very general definition of translator because it takes a lot more than two languages […]
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- Nov 28
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6 Tips that will help you find the right language services provider
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- different cultures, globalisation, internationalisation, language service provider, languages, localisation, LSP, translation, translation expert, translation professional
Your company is thriving and now you plan to introduce it to the international market? On the one hand you are excited and looking forward to new possibilities, on the other hand, however, you just can’t get rid of fears […]
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