About me
Imagine the scene. It’s a rainy May afternoon. In one of the old buildings in Łódź, Poland, a conference is slowly coming to an end. Together with their Polish hosts, guests from Germany, USA, Spain and Russia are discussing the future of kennel clubs in their countries and the concept of creating an umbrella organisation under which they could better operate. All of them are able to understand each other thanks to the group of interpreters who stand next to them and explain what is being said. The talks go on, as everybody is interested in the idea and wants to make their own suggestions. Suddenly, it turns out that the Polish-English interpreter has left, as the American guest thought the meeting would be ending soon. He needs help. The hosts fervently search for somebody who knows English as the discussion goes on. Fortunately, one of the interpreters from the German group knows English as well and, because there are three more interpreters for the German language in the room, one can join the American guest and assist him through the second part of the conference, so he can take an active part in it and understand what is being said. That interpreter was me.