Learn how quality can benefit your business

  • Learn how quality can benefit your business

    Learn how quality can benefit your business

    Did you know that inefficient communication in foreign languages and spelling mistakes can lead to financial loss? Research shows that poor communication and ineffective collaboration prevented companies from making major international deals. Also, language and cultural barriers are often blamed for the fact that businesses can’t conquer international markets. Furthermore, an analysis conducted by an online entrepreneur Charles Duncombe in 2011 found that millions of pounds’ worth of business is lost each week because of simple spelling mistakes. This means that your company not only needs translation, but it needs quality translation.

    Watch this short video to learn how your business can benefit from quality translation:

    What does “quality translation” mean?

    It is often said that to become a translator you have to know foreign languages well. But what translators often forget about is the good knowledge of their mother tongue. They specialise in various areas, for example, technology, medicine or marketing, but they neglect their native language, forgetting about such things as different sentence structure, spelling and grammar. Also, most of them are not entrepreneurs and what they don’t understand is that a simple mistake can cause a lot of problems resulting in financial loss. In 2009, HSBC had to spend $10m to redo its global private banking proposition because the slogan “Assume nothing” was translated as “Do nothing” which was simply less inspiring. So knowledge of marketing rules is also important. A good translator knows that he or she has to do their best to sell a product abroad. So they also have to be good copywriters.

    Why quality is so important?

    Quality is not only important when it comes to translation. It should be shown in everything you do – in content, services and contact with your customers. By doing so your company gains a good reputation. Even the best website design and features will not attract prospects if your content and customer service is of poor quality. Setting high standards mean more happy clients, better results, more saved money and time, But above all, a good name.

    Why should I invest in translation?

    Many businesses still perceive translation as an additional cost instead of investment. When you understand how much quality translation means to your business and how it can improve your company’s presence on international markets, you will realize that you need to hire a really good language consultant and communication specialist. Translation agencies are not always a good idea. They charge more for their services just because they hire a lot of people but they do not necessarily deliver high quality. They sometimes promise express translations for huge projects and split them in several parts that are translated by different translators. The result? Lack of consistency which also leads to poor quality. Such situations happen in every translation agency just because project details and agreements are discussed between customers and sales people and not translators who know their job and know how much time they need for a given assignment. This is why freelance translators are better option for your business. You will only pay for their work, save a lot of time and trouble because you will have a direct contact with your linguist. And if you need to translate your content into many different lanuages then it is a great idea to hire many translators who know not two but three or even four laguages. They will be already familiar with materials you gave them so they will translate them much faster into other languages.

    Translation is not an additional cost. It is an investment in the future and success of your company abroad. Quality translation means better results and a good name of your brand in other countries.

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    Hanna Gembus

    Hanna Gembus is a professional Polish English and Polish German translator and communication specialist based in the United Kingdom providing translation, content, interpreting and market research services to small, medium-sized and large companies and organisations. She specialises in business, marketing and e-commerce, using linguistic and cultural knowledge to help both start-ups and established companies improve their presence on the market and increase sales. http://langoa.eu

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