Easter in different countries: Great Britain and the US

  • Easter in different countries: Great Britain and the US

    Easter in different countries: Great Britain and the US

    Easter celebrations in Great Britain and the US

    These are the most important events taking place in Great Britain and the United States during Easter:

    The Ceremony of the Royal Maundy – during this ceremony the Queen distributes Maundy Money (red and white purses with coins) to deserving senior citizens;

    Sunrise Service – held in some churched on hill sides where all Christians come together to see the sunrise.

    Easter Parade at Battersea Park in London – held each year on Easter Sunday , usually themed to a subject connected to the past of the city

    Easter Egg Hunt – during this game real or artificial eggs are hidden from children who have the task to find as many as possible eggs. Other games are related to this family activity, also adults can take part in it.

    Easter Egg roll (in the UK known as pace-egging)- an event held on the White House South Lawn on Easter Monday. The competition in which eggs are pushed through the grass with a long-handled spoon.

    Traditional dishes and sweets

    On Good Friday people in the UK eat hot cross buns that symbolize the cross on which Jesus was crucified. A traditional dinner on Easter Sunday consists of potatoes, lamb and vegetables. People exchange Easter Eggs, Easter bread, hot cross buns and other gifts with each other. One of popular decorations is Easter bonnet or basket used in various competitions.

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    Hanna Gembus

    Hanna Gembus is a professional Polish English and Polish German translator and communication specialist based in the United Kingdom providing translation, content, interpreting and market research services to small, medium-sized and large companies and organisations. She specialises in business, marketing and e-commerce, using linguistic and cultural knowledge to help both start-ups and established companies improve their presence on the market and increase sales. http://langoa.eu

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